
The Board is committed to achieving the highest standards of corporate governance.

This is done through working to maintain a transparent and close working relationship with LEL’s executive and senior leadership teams and supporting these teams in the delivery of the Company’s core strategy which will benefit the Company and its employees, 它的股东, 它为更广泛的社区和更广泛的社会服务.

The Company operates through a framework which comprises of its Board of Directors, and sub-committees of the board of which t在这里 are four (4) – Audit & 风险,报酬 & 人、健康、安全、环境 & Operations and Transition – and the Executives and Senior Leadership Teams, who all work together to ensure the Company and its Directors are able to effectively discharge their duties. The Company delivers diversity and inclusion programmes to all employees.

而本公司不受任何特定管治守则的约束, it is the intention of LEL’s and its Board to ensure the Company meets its purpose by applying governance best practices as set out in the Corporate 治理 Code.  因此,公司准备并发布其年度报告 & 根据治理最佳实践,按年度进行会计核算.


The primary responsibilities of the Board and the Directors are clearly set out in the Schedule of Matters Reserved for the Board and the Board and Directors Terms of Reference.

从2020年12月至2021年6月,董事会每月举行一次会议.  自2021年7月起,董事会改为季度会议日程.  Quarterly board meetings will t在这里fore be held in January, April, July and October annually.

除了, LEL performance reports will be issued to Board members each month with a protocol in place to collate and address any Board comments and questions.

The Board currently consists of 10 Non-Executive Directors and one (1) Executive Directors (as at 1 September 2021).  主席被视为独立的.  点击 在这里 欲知详情.


Chair and Managing Director roles are separate and clearly defined.

Role descriptions are approved by the board which clearly sets out key areas of responsibilities.  The Annual Report clearly identifies who is the Chair and the Managing Director.


T在这里 are currently four (4) sub-committees of the board and the primary responsibilities of each committee are set out in their Terms of Reference. 这把椅子 of each Committee is expected to attend the Company’s annual general meeting to answer any shareholder questions on the Committee’s activities. 除了, the Committee Chair is expected to seek engagement with shareholders on significant matters related to the Committee’s areas of responsibility.

  • 审计 & 风险委员会每年召开四次会议.  The primary responsibilities of the committee includes risk management and internal controls management.
  • 报酬 & 人民委员会每年至少召开两(2)次会议. The primary responsibilities of the committee includes carrying out the duties of the company and its subsidiaries in line with the relevant 治理 Code and Shareholder Agreement as it pertains to recruitment, 留用及薪酬政策.
  • The Health, Safety and Operations Committee, meets at least three (3) times per year. The primary responsibilities of the committee includes the approval of the company’s policies and systems for identifying and managing health, 安全, 质量, environmental and operational risks and the oversight of associated implementation practice, 履约及保证.
  • 过渡委员会每年至少召开三次会议. The primary responsibilities of the committee includes the oversight of the successful transition of LEL into the facilities being constructed by the North London Heat and Power Project (NLHPP).


Directors have access to Institute of Directors (IOD) training which forms part of their induction programme and ongoing training.


这把椅子, 由公司秘书支持, ensures that Board members receive appropriate and timely information including regular briefings on governance matters.


All Directors may seek advice from the Company Secretary and may also seek independent advice on matters in order to carry out their responsibilities, 由公司承担费用.

公司秘书 ensures each Committee is provided with sufficient management advisory support, 根据需要提供独立意见, 由公司承担费用.

公司秘书 responsibilities includes: Ensuring good 质量 information flows from Executive management to the Board and its committees; Advising the Board on legal, compliance and corporate governance matters; Facilitating inductions and ongoing training for all Directors.

The schedule of matters reserved to the Board includes the arrangement for the appointment and removal of the Company Secretary.


The Board and each Committee conducts an effectiveness evaluation annually, with an externally-facilitated performance evaluation being conducted every third year. These evaluations are conducted in accordance with the principles set out in the Code, 并考虑董事会的技能, 组成和多样性, 在其他方面.


所有董事须每三(3)年重新选举一次. 所有董事均须在年度股东大会上由股东选举产生. 在正式评估之后, the Board confirms in the Annual Report whether the contribution of each of the Directors continues to be effective and whether, 在他们看来, the shareholders should be supportive of their election or re-election to the Board.



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